DIY: Cute Envelopes

• Colored papers (square-shaped, any size preferred)
• Scissors
• Glue


1. Fold the paper in half diagonally, then unfold.
2. Grab the point of the bottom of the paper then fold it up onto the diagonal line. Then, fold the bottom section upward at the ridge.
3. Take the point on the left side of the triangle, fold it inward to about halfway point. Do the same of the other side.
4. Take the tip of the right side which should be resting on the bottom left., then fold it back on itself to make a mini triangle, with the tip now resting on the bottom right side of the envelope. After that, take the bottom of the little triangle and bring it to stand straight up, so its in the center of the envelope.
5. Place your thumb on the center ridge in front of you. Use your thumb to push down and create  diamond in the bottom center of the envelope. Once that's done, apply glue under the left side flap of the diamond.
6. Tuck the top point of the envelope into the mini diamond and we're done! You can now put your letters or notes on your cute envelopes!


Anonymous said…
So cute!😍
Abshot said…
cute envolopes
cute envelopes nice work